A Tribute to Dune Succession

A Tribute to Dune Succession

This portion of Cowles Bog Trail that runs along the Lake Michigan shoreline at Indiana Dunes National Park is a wonderful example of dune succession and the pioneering work on the topic by Henry Chandler Cowles (the trail’s namesake).

It’s autumn. And a yellow Eastern cottonwood tree stood far in the distance, made evermore golden and bright by a spotlight of sun and the dark backdrop of a shadowy dune.

Little did I know, I was standing at the epicenter of the study of ecological succession and, more specifically, dune succession—along the Cowles Bog Trail, named after Henry Chandler Cowles for his groundbreaking research on the topic. The dunes of this national-park are the Birthplace of American Ecology.

The image was made on a foredune near the Michigan shoreline, not long after Zeke and I bounded down a high, steep dune (upper right in the photo) through powdery sand that supposedly “sings” when walked upon. We spotted that tree just after we landed. My photographer friend headed straight for it. I decided to stay back to appreciate and photograph the soft highlights and long, gentle shadows of a low sun, known for accentuating ephemeral shapes in the sand and the individual plants that make up any habitat.

Do you see those saplings of golden-leaved cottonwood in the foreground, mixed in with marram grass? Together, they make the perfect tribute to that dazzling distant tree and the building of the dunes through a few-thousand-year process known as dune succession. Nutrient-barren sand is transformed into a sea of grass, flowers, shrubs, sand-loving trees, like cottonwoods and black oaks, and, most remarkably, the towering dunes like the one I most recently plunged.

The currents and waves of Lake Michigan deposit barren grains of sand on the shoreline to create a lifeless beach. As sand is washed and blown inland, it is trapped by plants that, over time, form a foredune—a long, narrow mound that runs parallel to the beach.

The main collector of sand is marram grass, which is able to survive the brutal elements and a soil devoid of nutrients. It does this, in part, thanks to a rootlike structure of rhizomes, a type of stem that collects and stores nutrients while also spreading out horizontally to sprout more plants. This net of rhizomes can spread as wide as twenty feet to moor the wandering sand. Each winter, its foliage decays to the ground to further nourish the sand that, over time, becomes rich enough to support other plant species which, in turn, repeat the same pattern. Each new plant stabilizes the soil and amasses more sand, eventually supplanting and occupying the role of marram grass. The cycle continues until nutrient-hungry trees take hold atop towering dunes of sand.

Thanks to marram grass, we have our mighty dunes.


Posted in Biodiversity, Chicago Nature, Digital Photography, Indiana Nature, Indiana Nature Photography, Lake County Indiana Nature, Landscape Photography, Landscape Photography, National Park Service, Nature, Nature Photography, Photography Lessons | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Bunny’s View of a Springtime Woodland

A Bunny’s View of a Springtime Woodland

An intimate view from underneath a miniature forest of mayapples in the woodland known as Raccoon Grove Nature Preserve in Monee, Illinois.

An intimate view from underneath a miniature forest of mayapples in the woodland known as Raccoon Grove Nature Preserve in Monee, Illinois.

In the woodlands of early May, shy waxy white blossoms of mayapples hide under their umbrella-like foliage. Their parasols obscure our view of the flowers from above. But the bunnies below can see them just fine. Mayapples with one umbrella cannot flower. The plant needs two umbrellas to collect extra light energy to do the job. The flowering mayapple in the center clearly shows the leaves rising from the central stalk.

I’ve been photographing nature for thirty-one years, now. And for much of that time, I’ve been searching for an opportunity to showcase these flowers in the form of a landscape. However, due to the logistical and compositional challenges of setting up a clean shot from ground level, many conditions need to be met, much of which I have no control. Therefore, I don’t waste time actively searching for the unlikely perfect scenario. Rather, I enter the scenario into my brain’s pattern-recognition system with the instruction to subconsciously search for the proper conditions and to sound the alarm when they’re met.

In May of 2008, the alarm went off, and I composed an image that I thought I’d never beat. Then in May, sixteen springs later, the alarm went off again. With this image, I may be able to switch the alarm for good.

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It Can Take Decades

It Can Take Decades

At Lake in the Hills Fen, late-summer flowers decorate the seep of one of its hanging fens.

Late-summer flowers decorate the seep of a hanging fen.

This is an image that I’ve been trying to get for over two decades.

The picture above shows a couple of wetland habitats. The area nearest the camera is the seep of a habitat known as a fen. As the name suggests, the seep is where water seeps from the gravel hill located behind the camera. (You can see a similar hill in the far distance.) This is a hanging fen because the seep is backed up against a hill.

That little stream running out of the seep (near the top) feeds water into another wetland habitat know as a sedge meadow. The term “meadow” can be misleading because, when I think of a meadow, I think of grasses and flowers where people can frolic in the afternoon sun, maybe hold a picnic. But if you tried that here, you’d likely need rescuing after you and your checkered tablecloth get stuck in magnetic mud. And it should come as no surprise that the dominant plant in a sedge meadow is the sedge.

The gravel gives the water a high alkaline content, and not every plant can tolerate that kind of chemistry. Therefore, the flowers can be uncommon or rare. Here we have Ohio goldenrod, sphynx lady tresses orchid (two spikes of white flowers), and Grass-of-Parnassus (whitish flowers sprinkled throughout the seep).

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Go With the Blow

Go With the Blow

The wind whips the grasses along the edge of a partially frozen Dead River that empties into Lake Michigan.

The wind whips the grasses along the edge of a partially frozen Dead River that empties into Lake Michigan.

Well, I did my first below-zero photo shoot of the winter season on January 15.  It was one below, so it qualified.
Most of the time, the wind is my nemesis. But on this bitter afternoon, instead of fighting it, I decided to go with the blow. The trick is to slow down the shutter speed to a point where the grass tops render as discernable and sweeping at the same time. Otherwise, you just see a confusing blurry mess leaving viewers to wonder what they’re looking at. (It helps to zoom in to see the effect.)
This scene of Illinois Beach State Park is interesting because it shows the Dead River flowing into Lake Michigan. This isn’t a common occurrence, as its name comes from the fact that it doesn’t seem to flow. But sometimes it does, breaking through the sandbar that separates it from the lake. Here, the water flows beneath a thin layer of ice and emerges around the bend.
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Winter Red

Winter Red

The winter fog added a sense of mystery over the sand savanna of black oak and holly.

The winter fog added a sense of mystery over the sand savanna of black oak and red-berried holly.

So far this winter, the magic of frozen white was nowhere to be found. So, I tried to photograph it, anyway.
With dense fog predicted for the morning of Dec. 24, I visited Illinois Beach Nature Preserve in Zion, Illinois. The fog wasn’t as dense as I had hoped, but nature always has a way of surprising me.
Mired in the mist amidst the lush gold, bronze, and auburn tones of the saturated savanna, I caught sight of a indistinct patch of red. I became confused at such vibrance at this time of year, for displays of crimson blooms are rare even in the growing season. Lured by the mystery, I found myself overlooking a low, damp stretch of savanna, home to phalanxes of long-legged winterberry shrubs topped with red berries, our native holly.
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Sometimes You Just Need A Little Distance

Sometimes You Just Need A Little Distance

Great Blue Heron of species Ardea herodias strikes a pose as it elegantly preens its feathers.

This great blue heron strikes a most graceful pose as it preens its breeding plumage.

The great blue heron is one of Chicago’s most recognizable and elusive birds. Pass by any wetland, and you’ll probably see one off in the distance, hunting motionless, like a statue in the still waters. Yet they are fast to flee, rarely allowing us the propinquity to get to know them and to experience intimate moments like the ones you see here. That’s because these great blues are wading in the waters of southern Florida where the birds don’t seem to mind the company of humans.

When bird photographers fly all the way to Florida, few aim their lenses at the great blues. They’re too common. After all, these birds live in every state, including Hawaii! Travelers want the exotic. And the photographic flock would share its discoveries and rumors. Day after day, there were chirpings about the latest sighting of a rare bird, like the “rosy”—the nickname given to the pink and flamboyant roseate spoonbill. Every day, it was “rosy this” and “rosy that.”

Great Blue Heron of species Ardea herodias strikes a pose as it elegantly preens its feathers.

Great blue herons are effortlessly elegant.

Nevertheless, whenever a great blue would come near, I’d enter a trance, unable to pull myself away from its statuesque beauty. As the only one focused on this everyday bird, clearly I wasn’t a bird of the same feather. Yet I was vindicated, as it struck pose after stunning pose with an elegance that no rosy will ever achieve.

I’ve collected many images of dozens of species: ibises, various egrets and herons, pelicans, coots, gallinules, and rare wood storks. Yet these portraits live amongst my very favorites.

I traveled a thousand miles in search of the exotic, and I unwittingly found myself with a greater appreciation of a shy local species. Sometimes you just need a little distance to discover what’s right in front of you.


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From Dreary to Dreamy

From Dreary to Dreamy

Just in case you’re unaware, all of my images are available as big, beautiful photographic prints. More than just pretty, they tell elaborate stories that celebrate Chicago’s wondrous habitats and inhabitants. Click here for more information.

Shelves of ice form along the sandy shore of a turquoise Lake Michigan at Illinois Beach Nature Preserve in Zion, Illinois.

Shelves of ice form along the sandy shore of a turquoise Lake Michigan at Illinois Beach Nature Preserve in Zion, Illinois.

On overcast days like this, I usually stay home. Rarely do gray skies help a photograph. This is why magical snow-covered trees on an overcast day will make your heart sing, while a photo of the same scene will come off as depressing. Gray skies kill photographs.

During a recent gloomy afternoon, I visited the Lake Michigan shoreline and was able to transform a dreary situation into this dreamy photograph. This article is about how I puzzled and constructed the image from the worldly elements before me. This artistic collaboration within the glorious constraints of the real world is what makes photography so exciting and rewarding for me. Painters often use a trick that fools the human brain. They eliminate “nonessential details,” which distract from communicating a subject’s essence. However, as a (representational) photographer, I have no choice, which is why I developed a style for making images that convey a subject’s essence amidst the infinite detail.

Just like those breathtaking snow-covered trees, even the wonderful, whimsical ice shelves are no match for a gloomy day. But the turquoise teals from calm waters amidst the late-afternoon blues of distant clouds made all the difference. Yet, the scene remained a bit unimaginative and compositionally trivial. Graphically, it needed something to break up the uniform triangle of brown pebbles between shore and shelf. It needed some magic.

Strolling for a while atop the ice shelf, I found what I was hoping for. A curious length of sandy ice mounds grabbed my attention. The mystery of their formation added that element of magic. And graphically, the warm-colored blobs complemented the green of the lake, while their texture contrasted with the flat uniformity nearby. They act as cairns that keep you fixed to the shore. And their moderate height gives your eye (and the virtual self in your mind) a gentle boost up and onto the ice shelf. (Read more about this in the footnote.)

Positioned between mounds and water, you’ll see a strand of crystal filigree. This is an important controlling compositional element—”controlling” because it guides your eye and, like a guardrail, keeps you from wandering. This delicate stretch of white garland, along a waterline of contrasting stones, escorts you into the distance while keeping you from entering the aqua abyss.

Interestingly, the fantastical features of the ice shelf turned out to be the least influential element in composition. And that’s perfect. When collaborating with the world, Mother Nature has a say. It’s rare that my pictures follow my original plan.


When we look at a picture, we insert the idea of our physical selves into that world. Your eye will not venture into areas that appear blocked, dark, cramped, brambly, or dangerous. You will only travel into open and available spaces while bouncing between obstacles, like a Roomba. I teach about this in my fascinating and fun Make Great Pictures, Now! class in composition. Visit Creative Eye Workshops for more information.


Posted in Chicago Nature, Digital Photography, Illinois Nature Photography, Lake County Illinois Nature, Landscape Photography, Nature, Nature Photography, Photography Lessons | 1 Comment

The Extraordinary in the “Ordinary”

The Extraordinary in the “Ordinary”

The winter sun warms the oak savanna on the kame at Bluff Spring Fen in Elgin, Illinois.

On this “ordinary” January morning at Bluff Spring Fen, a blanket of cold winter white covered the preserve. As I crossed the threshold from windswept prairie to quiet savanna-on-the-kame, I was met by a hug of majestic bur oaks that gently placed me under their protection. (I nominate the word “hug” as the collective noun for a grouping of bur oaks.)

I am both haunted and fascinated by a phrase that’s often used to praise and describe my work.

It all came to a head one day after I performed my one-man show about Chicago nature. Three audience members separately visited me at my book-signing table and said, “Your photographs bring out the extraordinary in the ordinary.” They were enthusiastic and well-meaning. And I was gracious in my response, but in reality I was confused and shocked. Insulted, too—not for myself, but for the prairie and the woodlands that, to me, are immensely beautiful and full of wonderment.

At O'Hara Woods in Romeoville, Illinois, the April sun rises to warm the springtime woodland brimming with Virginia bluebells.

At O’Hara Woods in Romeoville, Illinois, the April sun rises to warm the springtime woodland brimming with fragrant Virginia bluebells. I can best describe this floral, yet fruity, fragrance as a Chanel version of Froot Loops cereal.

How can “ordinary” be used to describe the breathtaking experience of the lush and fragrant woodland scenes of Virginia bluebells in the spring and July’s kaleidoscopic heart-stopping vignettes of purple, orange, ivory, and gold?

Maybe, instead of “ordinary,” people really mean “everyday.” Even so, I still come to the prairie’s defense when people call it “ordinary” simply because it’s not the peaks of the Grand Tetons, Old Faithful erupting at sunset, or the mesmerizing midnight colors of the aurora borealis.

The many flowers of oak savanna at Somme Prairie Grove sparkle brilliantly in the last light of day.

Again, it’s July at Somme Prairie Grove, and the savanna is alive with a kaleidoscope of color.

The answer to why my work is able to convey the extraordinary in the ordinary was hidden in plain sight. When it comes to the habitats and inhabitants of Chicago’s wilderness, I’m blind to the ordinary. I only see the fascinating, the magnificent, and the beautiful. And therefore, I naturally create images that reflect what I experience and feel.


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The Boy and the Waterfall: A Photographer’s Story and Message of Hope

The Boy and the Waterfall:
A Photographer’s Story and Message of Hope

Sunlight forms a rainbow at the base of Multnomah Falls in Corbett, Oregon

A fusion of sunlight and mist forms a rainbow at the base of Multnomah Falls in Corbett, Oregon.

 I’d like to end the year with a message of hope by sharing this inspirational story from my experience in nature as a photographer.

There once was a shy little boy who I met while composing images of Oregon’s famed Multnomah Falls. I was in the zone, just doing my thing, when I noticed his intense interest in my work. It was as clear as the crashing water that sprayed before us.

He was slender and especially lightweight for the age of five. I know this because I lifted him up and held him with ease as he peered through my camera’s viewfinder high on the tripod. This was after I asked him and his approving mother if he wanted to see what I was photographing. He was silent up to that point, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of me.

We talked as he excitedly sat on the side of my forearm that was folded like it was sprained and hanging from a sling. I was surprised by his buoyancy, as if he were supported from above. With one open eye, he took in the falling waters through the viewfinder, and I handed him the shutter release so that he could press the button to record the images onto film.

When the photo session ended, his mother called me over. And that’s when I learned that she wasn’t his mother, after all. “Thank you for doing that,” she said. “I’m his aunt. A week ago, his parents passed away in a car accident. You’re the first person he’s spoken to since.”

Without trying to attract attention, just by doing what I love, I made a difference in the world in a most unexpected way.

I wish you a new year filled with passion, possibility, and wonder! And let your passion be your gift to others.

(This story reminds of the very touching “Dutch girl” scene from the famous Christmas movie “Miracle on 34th Street.” Watch the scene at this YouTube link:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSbkHZd7MQE.)


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Light in Landscape Photography: A Matter of Life & Depth

Good light can bring shape and depth to a photograph. In particular, low side-lighting or “glancing light” can be used to transform your landscape photographs and make them come to life.

In Photo A (below), the feathery June grass, yellow flowers of hoary puccoon, and other ground foliage are smothered in the open shade of nearby oak trees. And, though the composition helps to impart a feeling of depth, the picture doesn’t possess that “sparkle of life,” particularly in the lower part, where the subject matter is more discernible and, hence, where our eyes like to go.

PHOTO A: Here, diffused light is cast upon a foreground of June grass, flowers, and foliage, resulting in a flat image that no amount of additional compositional prowess can improve.[/

PHOTO A: Here, diffused light is cast upon a foreground of June grass, flowers, and foliage, resulting in a flat image that no amount of additional compositional prowess can improve.

Now, take a look at Photo B (below). It is essentially the same composition at Photo A, except for a foreground, which is under the magical influence of glancing light coming from the right.

PHOTO B: As you can see, light really matters. As the glancing light kisses the tops of the understory, it leaves exciting highlights mixed with soft shadows, resulting in an immersive image filled of shape and depth.[/

PHOTO B: As you can see, light really matters. As the glancing light kisses the tops of the understory, it leaves exciting highlights mixed with soft shadows, resulting in an immersive image filled of shape and depth.

Side-lighting is known for revealing details and form, but glancing light is special because it only occurs when the sun is no higher than thirty to forty-five minutes above the horizon, at time when the sun’s rays are golden warm and the shadows are soft and blue—a truly yummy combination.

In landscape photography, glancing light can impart sparkle, realism, and drama to a scene—a powerful influence that is truly a matter of life and depth.

To learn about the ideas expressed in this article, take my hands-on landscape photography workshop called Light & The Landscape. And, learn special techniques for composing your landscape photographs in Art of Landscape Photography. Both classes are held during the summer.

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