The morning sun peaks above the trees to illuminate a tremendous display of foxglove beardtongue(Penstemon digitalis) in this prairie and fen habitat.
Bluff Spring Fen / Elgin, Illinois / Forest Preserve District of Cook County
It’s a new day and a new year, and with them come a fresh new resource, a nature photography blog that speaks to the avid photographer and the lover of nature. I call it:
The Heart of Nature.
The purpose of this blog is to share my insights about photography and my explorations in the wilds of Chicago. It’s a celebration of biodiversity and the art of nature photography.
If you’re an enthusiast of photography or nature, you can subscribe to receive notifications about new posts. Just scroll up to the top of the page, type in your email address, and click the “Subscribe” button.
If you’re a student of mine through Creative Eye Workshops, the information here will supplement your learning and, maybe, some of those concepts from class will finally click.
For those who enjoy the outdoors or who want to gain a fonder appreciation of nature, here you’ll find essays about the many wonders found right in our own backyard, in the prairies, savannas, woodlands, wetlands, and forest preserves of the immediate Chicago area.
But, what will The Heart of Nature be? First, I will post a photograph, then write about it. But, what will I write? As of this moment, I foresee an extraordinary synthesis of creative lessons, imaginative writing, humor, even the occasional poem. Coming soon, you will find illuminating essays on the wonder of light and the possibilities of digital photography. You’ll be lured into a frightening world of monsters and aliens, one day, and on another, bamboozled, in a quirky essay about a beautiful bird and pumpkin pie. But, I will properly inaugurate this new artistic vision with a story from last week’s frigid adventures, as I photographed a frozen stream and discovered winter’s whimsy. It’s called “On the Coldest Days, Winter Plays.” I hope you enjoy it.
Love the prose and photos about the coldest days!
Hi Mr. MacDonald– I loved the Canadian Geese photos you produced in the past. I also love the American Crow, my favorite bird. If you have anything along this line I would love to see it/and/or own it. Thank you, Lin
Mike, I look forward to your blog and seeing more of your inspirational photographs. I really like the idea of your presenting an image in the blog and then writing about where and how it was taken and why the scene inspired you. Great work! Dave..
Thanks for your support!
Hi Lin,
I am the moderator and I must approve every message that comes in, otherwise who knows what’s going to get posted.
Hi Lin!
Thanks! But, sorry, no crows.
Take care!
Thanks, Lee!